Our classes run as a termly bookable course which run between 12-16 weeks. Once signed up your child will then get priority to renew their place for the next course.
Online booking system – Magic Bookings
All our bookings go through an online booking system. Please see steps below to register your child(ren):
1. When creating an account please ensure that you are putting yourselves as parent/carer as the main account holder.
2. You will then be able to add your child(ren) under the ‘add child’ section. A detailed registration form on the child(ren) will need to be completed. Please ensure this is completed thoroughly & is regularly kept up to date.
3. This should take no longer than 10-15 minutes to complete.
Please see below the link for the online booking system:
Once registered, we will then pre-book the course onto your child(ren)’s account ready to be paid off.
Classes will continue to run through all of the half terms (October, February, May).
2023/2024 British Gymnastics Annual Membership
As we are a British Gymnastics affiliated club there is also an annual membership to be paid for your child which will last from 1 Oct 2023- 30 Sept 2024. From September 2023, for the 1st time you will be directed to the British Gymnastics to complete an online membership form & to pay for this (removing the membership payment coming to the club).
The cost of this is £22.00, which is a one off fee which will last for the year. Please see below the online membership link:
Without a valid membership, your child(ren) will not be allowed to participate in our classes.